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Hi, I'm Virginia K. White

When my Siamese cat gave birth to six kittens on my bed, my appreciation for differences and the love of cats started. Cats and students have been a big part of my life for over fifty years. Creative Writing was among the high school English courses I taught over my forty years in the classroom. Writing with my students provided me with knowledge of the assignment and led me down the path of discovery. After retirement I was able to follow my passion of writing for
young readers.


I enjoy reading my books in elementary school classrooms and talking to my audience. I believe that if I’m writing for kids, I need to spend time with kids. My grandkids are a built-in inspiration and I love that, but I also feel like I need to spend more time in elementary classrooms. The students are fun, creative, and amazing to be around. In fact, the idea for Little Honker and the Swinging Tails came from a third grader at an elementary school. I asked my audience “What do you think Little Honker should do next?” and this student said, “Start his own band.” So he did.

In addition to my Little Honker series, I have started to write other animal stories for children. I live in Colorado with my husband and currently have three rescue cats. I also enjoy being an active grandmother.

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